MCOG Budget
View or download the current budget:
December 2, 2024 - MCOG unanimously approved a first, comprehensive amendment to the FY 2024/25 Budget, capturing several actions made fiscal-year-to-date and new recommendations developed by staff and the Executive Committee, while replacing certain estimates with actual or updated data.
MCOG Budget FY2024-25-Amended.pdf
June 3, 2024 - MCOG's Board of Directors adopted the FY 2024/25 Budget at their regular meeting, based on current information. One or more amendments are anticipated during the upcoming fiscal year.
MCOG Budget FY2024-25-Adopted.pdf
March 4, 2024 - MCOG approved a fourth amendment to the FY 2023/24 Budget at its regular meeting, due to a revised Local Transportation Fund (LTF) estimate indicating another budget shortfall. The LTF Reserve fund was recalculated, and the optional two percent Bicycle & Pedestrian allocation was revoked. Most of the shortfall is to be covered by the Reserve.
MCOG Budget FY2023-24-Amended4.pdf
March 1, 2024 - MCOG has released the annual Area Apportionment of estimated Local Transportation Fund revenue to eligible claimants, as approved by the Executive Committee on February 29. Due March 1 annually, this is the first step of developing the draft FY 2024/25 budget under state TDA law.
Area Apportionment 2024-25 w-transmittal.pdf
November 6, 2023 - MCOG approved a third amendment to the FY 2023/24 Budget at its regular meeting, reducing the allocation for Mendocino Transit Authority's operations to the amount of Local Transportation Funds available. According to MTA's revised claim, there was no reduction of the allocations for for senior centers transportation services or unmet transit needs.
MCOG Budget FY2023-24-Amended3.pdf
October 2, 2023 - MCOG approved a second amendment to the FY 2023/24 Budget at its regular meeting, quantifying a 2022/23 revenue shortfall affecting reserves and available Local Transportation Funds.
MCOG Budget FY2023-24-Amended2.pdf
August 14, 2023 - MCOG amended the FY 2023/24 Budget at its regular meeting.
MCOG Budget FY2023-24-Amended.pdf
June 5, 2023 - MCOG adopted the FY 2023/24 Budget at its regular meeting.
MCOG Budget FY2023-24-Adopted.pdf
February 24, 2023 - MCOG has released the annual Area Apportionment of estimated Local Transportation Fund revenue to eligible claimants, as approved by the Executive Committee today. Due March 1 annually, this is the first step of developing the draft FY 2023/24 budget under state TDA law.
Area Apportionment 2023-24 w-transmittal.pdf
August 15, 2022 - MCOG approved an Addendum to the FY 2022/23 Budget that adds $38,500 of Rural Counties Task Force dues and direct costs to Administration, as MCOG's Executive Director was designated Chair of the group by the California Transportation Commission. No additional compensation is allocated, only reimbursement of expenses from dues revenue. A staff report, resolution and updated summary tables document this addition within the budget.
MCOG Budget FY2022-23-Adopted w-Addendum (for web view).pdfMCOG Budget FY2022-23-Adopted w-Addendum (for duplex printing).pdf
June 6, 2022 - MCOG adopted the FY 2022/23 Budget at its regular meeting.
MCOG Budget FY2022-23-Adopted(web).pdf
March 1, 2022 - MCOG has released the annual Area Apportionment of estimated Local Transportation Fund revenue to eligible claimants, as approved by the Executive Committee yesterday. This is the first step of developing the draft FY 2022/23 budget under state TDA law.
Area Apportionment 2022-23 w-transmittal.pdf
View or download the prior-year budget:
June 7, 2021 - MCOG adopted the FY 2021/22 Budget at its regular meeting.
MCOG Budget FY2021-22-Adopted(web).pdf
February 26, 2021 - MCOG has released the annual Area Apportionment of estimated Local Transportation Fund revenue to eligible claimants, as approved by the Executive Committee yesterday. This is the first step of developing the draft FY 2021/22 budget under state TDA law.
Area Apportionment 2021-22 w-transmittal.pdf
View or download previous budget:
MCOG Budget FY2020-21-Adopted(web).pdfThe amendment of December 7, 2020 added state grants for housing planning, known as Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) program funds.
MCOG Budget FY2020-21-Amended(web).pdfThe amendment of April 5, 2021 allocated the optional two percent of Local Transportation Funds for bicycle and pedestrian facilities, which had been held in temporary reserve pending actual revenues.
MCOG Budget FY2020-21-Amended2(web).pdfView or download the Area Apportionment of Local Transportation Fund revenue to eligible claimants. This is a first step in the annual budget development process, as required by the Transportation Development Act (TDA).
Area Apportionment 2020-21 w-transmittal.pdf
Earlier budgets are available by request; please see Contact Us under About MCOG on our website.