MCOG Endorses Yes on Prop 69 and No on SB1 Repeal
At its April 2, 2018 Council meeting, MCOG's Board of Directors passed a resolution to join the Coalition to Protect Local Transportation Improvements, a diverse group of local government, business, labor, transportation and other organizations throughout the state, in support of Proposition 69 and opposing repeal of SB 1.
MCOG resolution-Support Prop 69-Oppose SB1 Repeal.pdf
The vote was unanimous. MCOG staff has invested countless hours to ensure the benefits secured for Mendocino County under Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair & Accountability Act of 2017. Transportation funds will increase from a deficit to actual revenues available to address long deferred road system maintenance as well as multi-modal improvements, such as bicycle and pedestrian facilities and public transit needs.
The California Department of Finance calculated the average cost to motorists of SB 1 is less than $10/month for increases to both the gas tax and vehicle registration.
A report released in February 2018 by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). calculated an annual savings of nearly $300 per household.
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