MCOG Public Forum Announced for June 22
June 10, 2020 - MCOG will host a Public Forum on Mendocino County Fire Vulnerability Assessment & Emergency Evacuation Plan Preparedness on Monday, June 22 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. by remote participation only.
View or download the flyer:
Flyer MCOG Public Forum-rev.pdfAll are invited to hear about fire preparedness planning in Mendocino County. At the request of the County and funded with a Caltrans grant, the Mendocino Council of Governments hired Category Five Professional Consultants, Inc. (CFPC) to develop a Public Outreach Plan, a Fire Vulnerability Assessment, and a Wildfire Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Plan for Mendocino County. Representatives from CFPC, the Sheriff’s Department, District Fire Chiefs, and other emergency services personnel will give a presentation on these planning documents that will greatly improve the wildfire safety of Mendocino County residents.
To Participate on Your Computer: Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 924390
To Participate by Phone:
Call-in Number: 1-669-900-6833
Webinar ID: 872 0958 0733
Password: 924390
To Submit Public Comments:
Questions may be emailed in advance to During the Forum webinar, questions may be typed into the chat or Q&A panel in the Zoom meeting. The Forum will allow oral comments during the webinar by phone or video when public comment is invited by the Chair.
Comments on the Draft Plans may be submitted to The plans are currently posted at this website under Meetings, June 1, 2020.
Additional Media:
For live streaming and later viewing:, search for Mendocino County Video, or YouTube link at this website under Meetings.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Translation Requests:
Persons who require special accommodations, accessible seating, or documentation in alternative formats under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or persons who require interpretation services (free of charge) are advised to contact the MCOG office at (707) 463-1859, at least five days before the meeting.
Las personas que requieren alojamiento especial de acuerdo con el Americans with Disabilities Act, o personas que requieren servicios de interpretación (libre de cargo) deben comunicarse con MCOG (707) 463-1859 al menos cinco dias antes de la reunión.