Point Arena Community Action Plan Implementation
Point Arena Community Action Plan:
PointArena_CommunityActionPlan2010(web).pdf[This page is under construction; updates will be posted.}

Funded by MCOG and Caltrans through a Community Based Transportation Planning grant, the plan involved local stakeholders working closely with a professional design team led by Design, Community & Environment.
A community vision was developed, traffic circulation was analyzed, sustainable development scenarios were mapped, improvement strategies and funding sources were identified, and other issues were addressed.
Public workshops were held September 18-21, 2009 in Point Arena, as part of a Transportation Planning Grant from Caltrans. Input from the workshops was documented in a Draft Plan presented at City Hall on January 28, 2010. A presentation of the Final Plan was made to MCOG at the regular Council meeting of May 3, 2010.

Goals and Vision:
Priority projects established in the plan:
Actions/accomplishments to date by City of Point Arena:
- Safe Routes to School project at Main and Lake Streets. - Completed
Actions/accomplishments to date by MCOG:
Next steps include: