Request for Proposals - Feasibility Study for Ukiah Transit Center
September 2, 2022 - MCOG invites proposals for professional services to conduct the Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA) Feasibility Study for Ukiah Transit Center. Proposals are due October 14, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
This project is to conduct a feasibility study and location analysis to evaluate potential locations for a new MTA transit center in the greater Ukiah area. The study will also include analysis and recommendations for associated multi-modal improvements for each location. MTA will utilize the recommendations in the feasibility study to pursue next steps of property acquisition, environmental process, design, and construction of the new facility and multi-modal improvements.
It is envisioned that the new transit center would incorporate solar panels, electric vehicle chargers, potential hydrogen fueling infrastructure, bike lockers, and parking for ridesharing. Community and stakeholder engagement will be included in this feasibility study.
Download the RFP for full details:
RFP Feasibility Study-Ukiah Transit Center 2022-09-02.pdf