SB 1 - Road Repair & Accountability Act
Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, was signed into law on April 28, 2017. This legislative package invests $54 billion over the next decade to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and puts more dollars toward transit and safety. These funds will be split equally between state and local investments... Read more and see a map of transportation projects in your area that the State and local communities are investing in with SB 1 revenue at

A report, "The Economic Impacts of Senate Bill 1 on California," was released in February 2018 by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). This research was conducted for a coalition of California transportation associations – The California Alliance for Jobs, The California Transit Association and Transportation California – by the economics & research team at the Washington, D.C.-based ARTBA.
According to the report, the transportation investment enacted under SB1 will support at least $182.6 billion in increased economic activity and benefits for California residents and businesses over the next 10 years, averaging $18.3 billion per year. As the investment increases during this period, SB 1 will support an additional 682,029 job-years throughout all sectors of the state’s economy, translating to an average of 68,203 jobs each year. (SB1 does not have a sunset, so will continue beyond the ten-year projections.)
Read the full report at ARTBA's website.