Covelo Trail - Second Addendum to CEQA Document and Construction Progress
October 31, 2023 - At its regular meeting October 2, MCOG's Board of Directors approved a second Addendum to the 2017 Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration. Changes to the project are limited to the area around the Mill Creek bridge crossing and a trail realignment adjacent to Round Valley Indian Reservation Headquarters Cemetery. No additional changes to the project are proposed. CEQA guidelines did not require public review or notice of hearing for this item.
2023 CEQA Addendum-Covelo Trail-adopted.pdfConstruction is progressing with paving, fencing and culvert work during October. Two locations were paused including the pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek and an area of archeological discovery; tribal monitors have been onsite with Caltrans’ archeologist, following tribal procedures. This will now be a two-year construction project. The bridge will not be finished, however the rest of trail will be available for public use this winter. The project is mostly complete, including mitigation measures.