Covelo SR 162 Corridor Multi-Purpose Trail
[This page is under construction; updates will be posted.] This project is currently in progress for design, right-of-way and construction. There continue to be pedestrian accidents and fatalities on this segment of state highway, at rates well above the statewide average, To remedy this problem, MCOG proposed the project and was funded by Active Transportation Program (ATP) grants of approximately $3 million, awarded in Cycles 1 and 2 of the program, Additional matching funds have been allocated by MCOG. Planning studies and documents include the following.
2010 Round Valley Bike&Ped Strategy.pdf2013 Covelo_EnvironmentalReconnaissanceReport_v3_w_Appendices.pdf2013 Conceptual State Route 162 Class I Trail Improvement Plans.pdf2013 Survey_right-of-way_base-maps.pdf2013 Conceptual Drainage Assessment.pdf2013-11-4 MCOG-Covelo mtg flyer11-4-2013.pdf2013-11-4 Covelo_Presentation_to_MCOG_Board.pdf2014 Covelo-Rd-Valley-Project Report Final-cover.pdf2014 Covelo-Rd-Valley-Project Report Final-no appendices-rev.pdf2014 Covelo-Rd-Valley-Project Report Final-Appendices.pdf2014 SR 162 south, Howard and Foothill Improvements.pdf.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&w=2000&h=2000&fit=max&or=0&s=e42e5901bf281e98c582311976fdf367)