Gualala Community Action Plan and Downtown Design Plan
[This page is under construction; updates will be posted.]
ATP application attachment 9.14.2020:
ATP attachment June 16 2006 workshop presentation.pdfUpdates from MCOG's board meeting of October 7, 2019:
Gualala Streetscape-staff report 10-7-2019.pdfGualala Update-Caltrans report to MCOG 10-7-2019.pdfLinks to “StreetMix” depicting the typical section agreed to by the community at the October 1, 2019 public meeting:
Gualala Community Action Plan: (2 MB)
Gualala Community Action Plan 3-28-2007(web).pdfDowntown Design Plan: (12 MB and 35 MB)
GDDTP Final Report 3-2-2009w-Appx(web).pdfGualala-RRM Final Report 6-29-2012(web).pdf.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&w=2000&h=2000&fit=max&or=0&s=3e182f18c81508cd67644d82a2c5fb9c)