2017 Active Transportation Plan
The 2017 Active Transportation Plan (ATP) was adopted on November 6, 2017 by resolution following a public hearing.
Developed through input from local agencies, the public, tribal governments and other stakeholders, this plan takes the place of the previous Regional Bikeway Plan and helps identify projects to apply for funding through the State’s Active Transportation Program. The plan also serves as the Non-Motorized Transportation Element of the Regional Transportation Plan.
Unlike the old Regional Bikeway Plans, the new plans involve a more thorough public outreach process in order to help qualify projects for grant funding. Public outreach included a series of public workshops throughout the county, which simultaneously collected initial public input for the Regional Transportation Plan. Outreach and interagency coordination also included discussions at meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee the Municipal Advisory Councils. MCOG consulted with tribal governments throughout the region. In addition, the Social Services Transportation Advisory Council provided input to the plan.
View or download the plan and appendices:
2017 ATP-Final As Adopted.pdf2017 ATP Appendix A - Elements.pdf2017 ATP Appendix B - Maps(web).pdf2017 ATP Appendix C - Land Use(web).pdf2017 ATP Appendix D - Participation(web).pdf2017 ATP Appendix E - Accident Data.pdf2017 ATP Appendix F - Resolution.pdf